Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Advisory Ideas

Teachers plan lessons for advisory based on what they feel student needs are. Mr. Abicca created a lesson for time management because students were complaining that they had little time to complete homework. They attributed it to the late dismissal.
To facilitate the creation of lesson plans, teachers would love to hear student input. What are some ideas that you have for advisory? What would you like to see?
I look forward to hearing comments and suggestions.


Anonymous said...

i think its great that we have a dear class. and we get to read and express our feelings toward our book.

Anonymous said...

i think its great that we have a dear class. and we get to read and express our feelings toward our book.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I think that in advisory we should go on trips maybe once or twice every month, I think that, that would be fun and make it more exciting

<3 TiFFanY <3

Anonymous said...

I like to see more games like fruit salad or the auction game! I am an active person, that can't really stay still reading so if there are more games like that in the future, it would be much appreciated by the students!

P.S.: Don't do this now, do this in about a month, because i won't be here!

-- John Navas ROCKS again!